In order to increase the interest of students in the field of robotics, scientific and technical creativity, the development of activity in working with technology and career guidance, the First city Robotics festival "RoboZerde-2023" named after Alikhan Maksut was held on May 13, 2023. The festival, held with the support of L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, "Astana Daryny Center for Identification and Support of Gifted Children and Talented Youth", Alikhan Maksut Foundation for Support of Gifted Children, specialized school No. 9 "Zerde", robotics school "Robotek", was held in 4 categories:
Creative "Robotics, IT" (12-18 years old);
Biathlon subcategory (10-13 years old);
Biathlon Senior category (14-17 years old);
Passed the "Labyrinth" (14-17 years old).
The ERP 80 team of our school, led by the computer science teacher of the Saken Seifullin Gymnasium No. 80, Baykenzheeva Zhanargul Kabdrashevna (members Dzhusupbek Omar Genghis Khanovich, Melis Akbota Zhenisovna) defended the Smart House Smart Socket IT project and received a diploma of the II degree. The ERP 80 team was awarded a certificate for 50,000 tenge from the Alikhan Maksut Gifted Children Support Fund. Congratulations to the winners with great victories!