On 10/06/2022, the computer science teacher of the school-gymnasium No. 80 named after S. Seifullin Baikenzheeva Zhanargul Kabdrashevna and her students Melis Akbota, Zhusupbek Omar, Dikhanbay Aisultan took part in the live broadcast of the Oyan! on the Khabar TV channel. .
In this program, the topic "Intensive development of the field of robotics" was discussed.
The reason why Zhanargul Kabdrashevna was invited to this program was that for several years of working with students she had many innovations and achievements in the field of IT.*At the beginning of the program, the Robotics club comes to life within the walls of the gymnasium school, and the achievements of the students are shown in a video. During the dialogue, the students said that they participated in various IT projects in city, republican and international competitions, and also presented new projects that they make with their own hands. Aisultan's project is an unexplored topic called "3D models of national musical instruments". The new work of Akbot and Omar - "Humanoid robot with human abilities." The children told in detail how this project started and what are its advantages.
At the end of the program, the presenters were amazed at the innovation of these projects, the curiosity of the students, wished them success in new competitions and asked them to appear on the air again with new projects.