Tolendi Sovetbekovna Amanova

Tolendi Sovetbekovna Amanova

Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work

Education: higher, Shakarim Semey State University, "Pedagogy and teaching methods in elementary school", 1992.
Experience: 29 years
Results of work:
  • "National Testing Center" dated June 1, 2020 and Order No. 161, dated November 20, 2020 No. 426, the budget program "Ensuring access to quality school education", the program "External assessment of the quality of education", as a member of the republican appeal commission, was a member of the expert commission for external assessment of the quality of education of the teaching staff of the republic.
  • In 2018, he joined the creative team created to conduct an experimental examination of the author's works of teachers in the city of Astana.
  • In 2018, BAO Orleu JSC took part in the Republican round table "Updated content of education - the need of the time", held in Almaty as part of the organization "Diagnostics of the educational process" and shared his experience of educational work with the deputy. heads in the republic and was awarded a letter of thanks.
  • In 2016, he took part in the republican seminar "Innovative areas of education in effective teaching methods", held by the University of KAZGUU.
  • In 2020, the Sana Center for Scientific and Practical Psychology shared the experience of an experimental field held at the school during a training seminar on the School-Love program tool: Sana Skills.
  • In 2019, a letter of thanks from the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For many years of work and contribution to the development of the education system and the upbringing of the younger generation”;
  • In 2020, a letter of thanks from the Center for Education Modernization "for conducting expert work in the certification of services of organizations of general secondary education in Nur-Sultan";
  • In 2020, a Certificate for sharing experiences and showing their professional skills at an online seminar on the topic "The importance of using interactive methods in primary school lessons in distance learning" for primary school teachers of the capital's schools PCBAI Capital schools of Nur-Sultan AKF "Orleu";
  • In 2018, a letter of thanks from the Center for the Modernization of Education "for a great contribution to the development of the field of education and the achievement of creative success in pedagogical activity";
  • In 2016, a Letter of Appreciation from the Department of Education "for the contribution to the organization of education and the development of the education system in accordance with modern requirements";
  • In 2015, "For a great personal contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan" gratitude of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • In 2013, he was awarded the Gratitude of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his great personal contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Amanova Tolendi Sovetbekovna dated February 10, 2019 on the basis of partnership on the principles of corporate training, at the special invitation of the Department of Education of the city of the Urals, "Educational program in the context of designing the educational process and updating educational content" to educators of the preschool training group;
  • 03/29/2019 on the organization of the methodological office of the Burlinsky district of the West Kazakhstan region "Formation of the professional skills of the teacher and service skills in organizing the educational process as part of the updated content of education" for the teacher and deputy head of the city of Aksai;
  • On March 30, 2019, at the special invitation of the Department of Education of the Arshaly and Tselinograd districts of the Akmola region, a preschool educational group conducted training courses and seminars for teachers on the topic "Educational program in the context of designing the educational process and updating the content of education."

Педагогический состав

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Tolendi Sovetbekovna Amanova

Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work

Education: higher, Shakarim Semey State University, "Pedagogy and teaching methods in elementary school", 1992. Experience: 29 years Results of work:...

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