On January 24, 2023, a meeting was held at the Gymnasium No. 80 named after S. Seifullin with the senior officer for particularly important cases of the Prevention Department of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in Astana, Kenebayeva Almagul Yerinovna. The meeting was attended by students of grades 9-11 and the teaching staff of the school. During the meeting, the speaker told the audience about moral norms and their role in combating corruption, that every citizen's position in relation to corruption depends on the conscious observance of moral principles. The shortcomings and mistakes made in educating young people in the spirit of disinterestedness to manifestations of corruption lead to serious consequences. Corruption and the consequences of people's criminal activity destroy moral values and weaken moral positions. Morality, faith in justice, compliance with ethical standards are a set of necessary conditions. Without them, it is impossible to foster an anti-corruption culture and measures taken to combat corruption cannot be effective.