On May 24, 2023, a meeting of students of grades 9-11 of our school with the senior prosecutor of the Astana Prosecutor's Office Abutalipov B.K. took place, where students were informed about the responsibility for drug crimes established by law and the measures taken to prevent drug addiction among adolescents.
The problem of drug addiction has long ceased to be considered only in the aspect of health care. A person who uses drugs poses a real threat to society. Such people do not get a job, conflict with family and friends, commit crimes. Teenage drug addicts in the future are deprived of the opportunity to have children or give birth to babies with developmental defects. The regulatory framework is being improved in the country, a program to counter drug trafficking has been developed, and the smuggling of prohibited substances through the territory of the state is being suppressed. Specially trained specialists carry out investigative and operational search activities, provide legal assistance in criminal and civil cases.