The protocol for conducting a practical training on developing an evacuation plan in case of natural and man-made emergencies in the CSE on the REM “School-Gymnasium No. 80 named after Saken Seifullin” on October 21, 2022

I approve
Principal of the school - gymnasium No. 80
named after Saken Seifullin
________________ G. Zharmenova
"__" ______________ 2022

conducting a practical training to develop an evacuation plan in case of natural and man-made emergencies in the CSE on the REM "School - Gymnasium No. 80 named after Saken Seifullin" on October 21, 2022.

Commission consisting of:
Deputy Director for Chemistry Beisenova G.A.
Commission members:
Zhunisbekova A.A., Deputy Director for educational work;
Tashubaev A.K., teacher - organizer of initial military and technological training.

Compiled this protocol on the results of fulfilling the requirements of the letter of the Vice Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan G. Beisembaev dated October 14, 2022 No. 4-15-3 / 630-I.
According to the requirements of the letter, the following were considered:
practical development of a plan for evacuating people from the school building in the event of a fire or an act of terrorism;
notification of teachers and students about the upcoming training;
notification of parents of students about conducting practical training with them on actions in case of fire and an act of terrorism.

  1. The results of the practical activities of the administration, teachers in preparing and announcing the alert signal, notifying teachers, students and parents about the upcoming training
Parents were notified through class teachers about the forthcoming fire and anti-terrorist training with students.
Before the start of the training, the class teachers studied the memos on actions in case of emergencies, according to the exit scheme, they showed the routes.
Today, the lyceum school has a strategic development program for 2014-2020, which outlines clear guidelines for updating the content of education and strengthening the educational component of education.
The notification signal for the beginning of the training was given through the watchman, by turning on the button on the fire alarm panel at 12.05 for the first shift of students and at 16.00 for the second shift, as well as by voice recorded on a magnetic disk.

According to the algorithm, at 12.06 and 16.01, class teachers and subject teachers began taking students to a safe place.
At 12.15 (first shift) and 16.12 (second shift), we completed the evacuation process and reported to the training leader the number of evacuees.
2. Characteristics of the school building, the availability of means of prompt warning and extinguishing:
  • Floors - 3;
  • Number of emergency exits -10;
  • Sound and voice message system - available, in good working order;
Conclusion of CCTV cameras at the central control center of the Police Department of the city of Astana - there are 24 cameras;
  • Availability of outdoor video surveillance cameras – there are 8 cameras;
  • The presence of a panic button to alert law enforcement agencies - there are 2 pieces;
  • The presence of internal barriers at the entrance to the school building (turnstiles) - available at 2 entrances;
  • Presence of building security - organized by a security company;
  • Availability of fire extinguishing systems:

Fire extinguishers -100;
Fire hydrant - no;
Fire corner -2;
Fire hydrant - 1.
Total to be evacuated:
First shift -1343
Second shift - 1161

Conclusion: the administration, teachers, support staff, students have acquired solid practical skills in evacuating the premises in case of fire and an act of terrorism.

Chairman G.Beisenova
Members of the commission A. Zhunisbekova