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ДОСБОЛLAIK:ДОСТЫҚ ҚОЛЫН ҰСЫН! "ДОСБОЛLAIK:ДОСТЫҚ ҚОЛЫН ҰСЫН" акциясы аясында 6"Г" сынып оқушыларымен көңілді сынып сағаты ұйымдастырылды. Сынып жетекшісі Дүйсенбек Құндыз Толығырақ...


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Халықаралық “Бала шабыты” атты конкурс

Халықаралық “Бала шабыты” атты конкурс нәтижесі Бүгін, 5 қараша күні өткен Халықаралық “Бала шабыты” атты конкурс жобасы “ASTANA AUTUMN CONTEST” дарынды балалар мен жастарға арналған байқауда “Аспаптық өнер” номинациясы бойынша...


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В столице трудоустроены выпускники, получившие гранты акимата

Выпускники, окончившие обучение по гранту акимата города Астаны, получили работу по специальности, сообщает официальный сайт столичного акимата. «Когда я учился в 11 классе, я выбрал преподавательский путь и работал в...


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«е-Өтініш»-План организационных мероприятий на 2023 год в рамках исполнения дорожной карты


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Челлендж “Ұстазым, менің ұстазым”


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Слова благодарности учителю!


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Музейный урок прошел в Президентском центре РК


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Dear Parents of Future First Graders!

Dear Parents of Future First Graders! As you know, admission of children to the 1st grade starts from April 1. Therefore, we would like to remind you that there are...


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How to get a job at a school?


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The reception ceremony of the young guards took place

On May 26, 2023, a solemn ceremony was held for the admission of students to the school detachment of young law enforcement officers "Zhas Sakhshy", handing them an official certificate...


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A meeting was held with the senior prosecutor of the Office of the Prosecutor of Astana

On May 24, 2023, a meeting of students of grades 9-11 of our school with the senior prosecutor of the Astana Prosecutor's Office Abutalipov B.K. took place, where students were...


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Child safety is the main goal

The Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Menin Atamekenim OC launched the balaqorgau project in...


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I City Robotics Festival "RoboZerde-2023" named after Alikhan Maksut

In order to increase the interest of students in the field of robotics, scientific and technical creativity, the development of activity in working with technology and career guidance, the First...


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A meeting was held with representatives of the prosecutor's office of Astana

Issues of legal education are of great importance in the process of creating a legal state in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The higher the legal culture of citizens, the higher...


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A meeting was held against corruption with students of grades 9-11

On January 24, 2023, a meeting was held at the Gymnasium No. 80 named after S. Seifullin with the senior officer for particularly important cases of the Prevention Department of...


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An intra-school meeting of parents was held in the form of an "Open Doors Day".

Raising and educating a child is a difficult and responsible task for parents. School, teacher and parents play different roles in a child's adjustment to life. Raising a child is...


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Memo Parents on the safety of children during the winter holidays

Memo Parents on the safety of children during the winter holidays Recommendations for safety when organizing and holding New Year holidays and other events: • it is forbidden to use...


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Memo on the safe use of pyrotechnic products

Memo on the safe use of pyrotechnic products Buy pyrotechnics: fireworks, fireworks and other pyrotechnic products only in specialized stores, and not from hands or in markets where you can...


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The opening ceremony of the decade "Generations of an independent country" was held

The opening ceremony of the decade dedicated to the Independence Day "Generation of an independent country" was held. The goal of the decade was to preserve forever the memory of...


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Pupils took part in the author's training program for volunteer mediators "School of Reconciliation: Peer to Peer".

In order to develop school mediation, the Center for the Development of Giftedness and Psychological Support "Astana Daryny" from October 4 to November 29, 2022, on the basis of gymnasium...


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Holiday billboard or school reputation

Holiday billboard or school reputation Usually, the billboards that are hung out in the city on the occasion of each holiday are considered by many to be special actors and...


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Protocol for conducting a practical training session on developing an evacuation plan

The protocol for conducting a practical training on developing an evacuation plan in case of natural and man-made emergencies in the CSE on the REM “School-Gymnasium No. 80 named after...


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Parent-teacher conference held

On November 4, 2022, a school-wide parent meeting was held in the assembly hall of the S. Seifullin Gymnasium School. The main purpose of the meeting was to explain the...


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Pupils took part in the program "Oyan" on the TV channel "Khabar"

On 10/06/2022, the computer science teacher of the school-gymnasium No. 80 named after S. Seifullin Baikenzheeva Zhanargul Kabdrashevna and her students Melis Akbota, Zhusupbek Omar, Dikhanbay Aisultan took part in...


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On October 15, the city competition "Сәкен оқулары" was held

Наш сайт – это электронный портал, посещая который, вы всегда будете в курсе происходящего, сможете учитывать планируемую работу, воспользуетесь советами и рекомендациями, будете принимать личное участие в наиболее значимых мероприятиях...


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